thinning my collection of mountaineering, exploration and travel books.
They are taking over the house. Here is a short list.
I'll be adding more. If anyone has an interest in something
specific or a particular area of
interest let me know. I have lots of old
stuff all the way from 19th Century to the present. Also a lot of
sailing and
voyages. I can't keep it all and so have decided to cut back here and
there plus get rid of duplicates . I've
tried to describe
them to the best of
my ability but please do ask questions. I want you to know what you are
getting before sending out the package. Pictures/scan available on
request. I'll send items out on 5 day no questions approval but of
course you pay the shipping if returned. All prices and payment in US$.
Payment by cash
or money order ships same day, checks may have to wait or may not
depending upon how I feel that day. PayPal OK if you pay the fees,
about 3-4%.
I charge
actual shipping cost from Pacific Northwest, USA (98250) and am happy
to ship worldwide. However GST, PST, VAT, duty,
gratuities, etc. is your problem.
welcome if
you've got something I can't do without. Hardback unless otherwise noted. Dust
if stated. All dj’s protected by
archival cover.
All trades and
offers considered. Email watershed@interisland.net
I'm also getting rid of extra photographic equipment. If interested
check out this link
I'll be updating this list as well.
•Sir Norman Watson and EJ King, Round
Mystery Mountain, A Ski Adventure, Arnold London 1935, 1st
edition, An account of the Watson expedition to the Coast Range,
in the spring of 1934, a trip through dense brush to Mt. Waddington, or
Mystery Mountain. The party completed the first crossing of the coast
range on skis. One of the few books on Mt Waddington and the forerunner
to Don and Phylis Munday. This scare book is one of the most desirable
on PacNW exploration. 32 plates, 3 maps, VG condition blue cloth with
slight bumping on the edges and very slight fading to spine. Comes in a
facsimile of the extremely rare dust jacket. $150
•Edmund T. Coleman, "Mountaineering
on the Pacific" Harper's New Monthly Magazine, November, 1869
This article is the original account of the first ascent of Mt Baker.
The party left Victoria, BC in canoes and went by way of Bellingham Bay
and then up the 'Nootsak' River. Very interesting for anyone interested
in the early history of the area. Harper's was the National Geographic
of the time. This issue was removed from a bound yearly volume so is
missing the cover and paper is yellowed with age as is typical but is
otherwise complete and in good condition. A PacNW classic. I have many
copies. $25
•Jon Krakauer, Into Thin Air, A
Personal Account of the Mount Everest Disaster, Villard NY 1997
reprint. Fine in DJ $5
•Louis W. Dawson II, Colorado High
Routes, Mountaineers Seattle 1986, Aspen, Vail Crested
Butte ski tours VG paperback $5
•Ski Manual, Peters Seattle
1937, interesting little pamphlet 30pp, The latest in ski technique and
gear. $1
•Gene Prater, Snowshoeing, Mountaineers
Seattle 1985 2nd edition G paperback $3
•Ruth Kirk, Exploring Mount
Rainier, U of W Seattle 1968 , G paperback $3
•Climber's/Hiker's Photomap Guide to
the High Washington Cascades, Pic-Tour Guide Maps 1979, Fold
out aerial photo/topo maps, 28pp, 5" x 9" folded size, Mt Baker, N.
Cascades, Ross Lk area, $3
•Fred Darvill, Mountaineering
Medicine, Skagit Mtn Rescue 1980 edition, pocket paperback size
VG $4
•E. Lucas Bridges, The Uttermost Part
of the Earth, 1963 edition in
fine condition w/ DJ $60 The Patagonian classic
•Martin Conway, ...Bolivian Andes,
1901 Harpers 1st US edition.
good condition some foxing, $120
•James Outram, Canadian Rockies,
1905 MacMillan London 1st ed. 2 copies
missing end map. $50 and $75
•Hunt, Ascent of Everest or
Conquest of Everest. many copies. $15 1st
ed w/DJ others $5
•W.P. Eaton, Skyline Camps,
Wilde 1922 1st ed. VG- $20 Cascades,
Rockies, Crater Lake
•Bowman, Ascent of Rum Doodle,
1st UK $45 or US $40 Fine w DJ climbing
spoof, a classic
•Gillman/Haston, Direttisima (Eiger)
Harper NY 1966 VG w dj $25
•Buhl, Lonely Challenge,
Dutton 1956 1st US ed. of Nanga
Pilgrimage VG w/dj $45
•Ullman, JR, Americans on Everest,
1st ed chipped dj $8
•Ullman, JR, Man of Everest,
Autobiography of Tenzing, Reprint Society London 1956 $5
•H. Harrer, I Come From the Stone Age,
Dutton NY 1965 VG- w/dj climbs in New Guinea
•Whymper, Travels amonst the great
Andes of the Equator, Scribner’s
1894 2nd US edition. map in
pocket. hinge paper cracked $175 South American
•Wilcox, White Winds, Hwong
1981 2nd prtg VG dj $15
•M. Phallis, Peaks and Lamas,
Knopf 1949 revised ex lib $15
•Case, Last Mountains, many
copies $5 w/dj $3 no dj PacNW
•Ullman, Kingdom of Everest,
Sloane 1947 VG w/dj $10
•McGovern, To Lhasa in Disguise,
Grosset & Dunlap 1924 VG $20
•Sayre, 4 Against Everest,
Prentiss 1964 2nd prtg. fine $18
•Fosco Maraini, Karakoram
Viking NY 1959 fine $20
•box of Mtn World with and
without dj, ask for by years. $15-20
•AAJ , many copies, ask by year
•Canadian AJ many copies, ask
•Salisbury, Here Rolled Covered Wagons,
Superior 1948 revised edition
VG w dj $8
•Schmitt/Brown Settlers’ West,
Bonanza 1955 D w dj $5
•Sven Hedin, Conquest of Tibet,
Halcyon 1941 NY VG w dj $10
•Ortenburger, Guide to Tetons...,
Sierra Club 1965 revised Fine w dj $25
•Monroe/Wood, Mansions in the Cascades,
MacMillan 1936 1st ed. VG $14
•Brower, Manual of Ski Mountaineering,
2 copies, 1947 2nd ed. w/
chipped dj $5, 1962 revised w/dj $5
•Tabor & Crowder, Routes and
Rocks ... Glacier Peak, Mountaineers
2nd edition 1966 fine condition w/ 2 original maps in rear pocket, 3rd
map is a full sized color copy $65
& Crowder, Routes
Rocks ... Glacier Peak, Mountaineers
1st edition 1965, w/ 3 original maps in pocket, very good condition,
slight yellowing $75
•Beckey, (green) Cascade Alpine Guide
Stevens Pass to Rainy Pass,
Mountaineers 1st edition 1977, vg- $9
•Rusk, C.E., Tales of a Western
Mountaineer, Houghton Mifflin Co.
1924 Boston and NY 1st edition decorated cover, vg condition. "A Record
of Mountain Experiences on the Pacific Coast" A PacNW classic. $85
•Stanley, Henry M., In Darkest Africa,
Scribner's NY 1890, Volume 1
only, 1st edition. cover spotted, map missing. A good read. $20
•Paddy Sherman, Cloud Walkers,
St. Martin's NY 1965 1st
edition dj good, ex lib., "Six Climbs on Major Canadian Peaks" $10
•Paul Theroux, The Old Patagonian
Express, by Train Through the
Americas, Houghton Mifflin Boston 1979 1st edition vg- spine a bit
faded $4
•Lindbergh, Anne Morrow, North to the
Orient, Harcourt Brace NY 1935 red cloth vg- $2 another
reading copy ex lib $1
•Farley Mowat, Never Cry Wolf,
Atlantic Little Brown, Boston 1963 vg- spine faded $2
•NM Karamzin, Letters of a Russian
Traveler 1789-1790, An account of a Young Russian Gentleman's
Tour Through Germany, Switzerland, France, and England, Columbia U 1957
fine in a vg- dust jacket $10
•HW Tilman, Ice With Everything, Gray,
Sidney BC 1974 1st Edition, fine in a near fine dust jacket.
Tilman's sailing exploration to Greenland $5
•Eric Shipton, Land of Tempest,
Travels in Patagonia 1958-1962, Dutton NY 1963 2nd printing.
fine in vg dj, price clipped, owner's stamp. Patagonia classic. $50
•AF Mummery, My Climbs in the Alps
and Caucasus, Blackwell, Oxford 1946 Blackwell's
Mountaineering Library reprint, good copy in chiped dj A
mountaineering classic first published in 1895. $30
•FS Smythe, Climbs in the Canadian
Rockies, Norton NY 1950, 1st US edition, vg+ in a chipped dj $18
•James Philips, Washington State
Place Names, U of W Seattle 1972, 2nd printing, vg
in a vg dj $5
•Berton, Pierre, The Klondike
Fever, Life and Death of the Last Great Gold Rush, Knopf NY
1975 later printing, VG w/ G dj $6
•Toni Hiebeler, North Face in
Winter, Lippincott Philidelphia 1963 1st edition,
G, ex lib, tape marks The story of the first successful winter
climb of the Eiger's North Face. $8
•Skip Novak, One Watch At a Time,
Around the World with Drum on the Whitbread Race, Norton NY 1988
1st edition, Fine in DJ $8
•Earl Roberge, Timber Country, Caxton
1973 2nd printing, large coffee table book approx 12" x 15", Nice
tight clean copy. Fine with DJ $15
•Lambert Florin, Washington Ghost
Towns, Superior Seattle 1970 Good large paperback $5
•M. Wylie Blanchet, The Curve of
Time, Gray's Publishing, Sidney, BC. 1980 edition trade
paperback. A PacNW classic. A woman and 5 children share a small boat
in the mid 1900's. $4
•Jo Bailey and Al Cummings, Gunkholing
in the San Juans, Nor'westing, Edmonds, 1st edition (no date)
trade paper, signed by authors, $12, more copies unsigned $4
Great resouce for boaters and kayakers.
•Lynette Evans & George Burley, Roche
Harbor A Saga in the San Juans, B&E, Everett 1972 trade
paperback $12 History of Roche Harbor
•C.T. Morgan, The San Juan
Story, with Map, Resort Guide and Pictures of Points of
Interest, San Juan Industries Friday Harbor 1963 28pp. Interesting old
pictures but the fold out map is missing. $2
•Automobile Club of Southern CA, Baja
California Sur and Baja
California Norte, 2 vols. 1973 paperbacks. Want to see what is
was like in the '60's when you could get in your VW van and head south?
$5 both
•Ernie Gann, Twilight for the
Gods, Sloane NY 1956 book club edition, VG w/ DJ $3
•James Lipscomb, Cutting
Loose, Little, Brown, Boston 1974 1st edition VG- faded
spine $3. Sailing the South Seas in a 60' wooden schooner.
•Devereux, Practical Navigation for
the Yachtsman, Norton NY 1972 VG- in G DJ $1
•George F. Kennan, Memoirs
1925-1950, Atlantic Little, Brown 1967 VG red cloth $1
•Ruth Beebe Hill, Hanta Yo, Doubleday
NY 1979 1st edition DJ signed by author $40 The book tells the
story of a band of the Teton Sioux, it took 25 years to write. I have
unsigned copies $10 w DJ $8 w/o
•Peter Sugarman, Field Guide to
the Orca Whales Of Greater Puget Sound..., Whale Museum
Friday Harbor,1984 large paperback 8 1/2 x 11. Photo ID of the
whales. $10
• Climbing (mag) 25th
aniversary issue Feb 1, 1995 $2
•Livestock Brand Book 1992, Washinton
State Dept of Agriculture, large paperback $8
•Galen Rowell, In the Throne
Room of the Mountain Gods, Sierra Club SF 1977 1st edition VG-
chDJ, front board creased. $18 large book
•Eliot Porter, "In Wilderness Is
the Preservation of the World", Ballantine NY 1974
printing, large paperback $4
•Clif Taylor invites you to... Ski
in a Day!, Grosset & Dunlap NY 1964 Fine in fine DJ $15,
large pictorial. Latest techniques and fashions :)
•Horan & Sann, Pictorial
History of the Wild West, Crown NY 1958 printing.
oversized book $3
•Pidgeon, Harry, Around the World
Single-Handed, Rupert Hart-Davis london 1950 Mariner's
Library VG- $10
•Evans, Charles, Kangchenjunga, the
Untrodden Peak, Dutton NY 1957, 1st edition first ascent
of third highest peak DJ VG, $18
•Fleming, Peter, Brazilian Adventure,
Scribner's NY 1934 1st edition VG- $8
•Noyce, Wilfred, South Col, A
personal Story of the Ascent of Everest, Sloane NY 1955
1st ed., 2nd prtng. DJ Fine, $8
•Walkinshaw, Robert, On Puget Sound,
Putnam's NY 1929 2nd imp. TEG green cloth, bump on one edge VG
$8 2 copies available
•Delorme Topo USA ver. 2 topo maps of the entire US. 6 CD set $5
•Delorme Street Atlas USA ver. 6 2 CD set free + postage
•Delorme Street Atlas USA ver. 4 1 CD free + postage
•Nat'l G TOPO! TrailSmart CD's $5 each
Grand Teton, Denali, Glacier, Yellowstone, Yosemite
for more items to be added here
-Some Engineering
•Braja M. Das, Principles of
Foundation Engineering, PWS-Kent Boston 2nd edition 1990,
Fine $10
•David McCarthy, Essentials of Soil
Mechanics and Foundations, Prentice Hall NJ 1988 3rd edition,
name on edges, Fine $10
•Braja M. Das, Principles of
Geotechnical Engineering, PWS-Kent Boston 2nd edition 1990,
owner's name, Fine $10
•Terzaghi and Peck, Soil Mechanics in
Engineering Practice, Wiley NY 1968 2nd edition, owner's name,
VG $10
•Dept of the Navy, Soil Mechanics,
Design manual 7.1, 2" thick binder in good condition
Many more boxes to go.
updated 24-Jan-11